9 Dec 2023

Twenty - Twenty

The dreadful anniversary is coming around again. It is now 20 years since we lost Tanya. No need to tell again of the sinking of my consciousness at that time. When you get to middle age an unexpected tragic death becomes an almost certain passage. Death is very much part of life. 

Still, not a day goes past without my thinking about Tanya. Besides the grief is thinking what could have been. Her work, her being, had inspired many young people and she would doubtlessly would have inspired many more. We can only live up to her example. 

These photos come from a sad time. We had lost our father so we went on holiday to Kenmare, Ireland, to recover and stayed in the home of a very kind acquaintance. Tanya and I formed a pact, we'd look out for each other if anything else happened. Though a sad association, I've loved Ireland ever since. Its gentle landscape and caring people was healing. I was allowed to row myself all over Kenmare Bay. We grew up there.  

Tanya knew the darkness that can come into life but she embraced the light of living and shone with it. The impact of her life is still rippling ashore.

Nat Bocking

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